Games like Counter Strike and others of similar style have managed to create around an entire community of millions of users worldwide, which are grouped into clans and have turned their hobby into a way of life almost. For if anyone knows yet what we will say that Counter Strike is an action game and first person shooters, which has become popular mostly for their multiplayer games, from addiction and unprecedented playability.
This version also comes with Counter Strike Steam system, software that serves to keep the game updated automatically, provided with the latest content, patches and revisions, and also has an integrated instant messaging client, ideal for making the most of your LAN parties.
You can also find the best servers and quickly identify the items organized by your friends. In short, if you consider yourself a fan of Counter Strike you can not let this opportunity pass.
NOTE: To know the limitations of the trial version of Counter Strike 1.6 program, we recommend visiting the website of the author, who is also solely responsible for its operation. not under any circumstances will offer key serials, crack, keygen or similar to Counter Strike 1.6 as stated in the rules of intellectual property.