Sherwood Dungeon
Sherwood Dungeon is a little known game, but gameplay constantente. It distribulle a story for free, contains missions, levels and 5 worlds to over to visit.
Is an online game and online, there are people around the world: English, French, Catalan, Russian, Italian, Argentinian, Mexican, Chilean, Norwegian, Spanish, Venezuelans, Colombians, BRAZILIAN, Canadians, etc..
Superiorly usually play to 2034 people a day. More than 5,000 registered users.
For this game requires Adobe Shockwave Player, which you can download from this website in the Downloads section.
Here I leave some sample images that you may see the world of Sherwood Dungeon and specialties.
This fund was designed as a comparison test.
Now comes Sherwood Dungeon

Create your personage with all sorts of features.
Combat with various enemies: spiders, dragons, warriors ...
Show up for the great dragons of Sherwood Dungeon
Commands Sherwood Dungeon:
/ teleport1 (going to the castle)
/ teleport2 (going to an Island)
/ teleport3 (going to an area with snow)
/ teleport4 (going to a contaminated area)
/ teleport5 (going to a jungle area)
/ teleport6 (going to the first area of combat)
/ teleport7 (going to the second area of combat)
/ teleport8 (going to the third area of combat
(There are 99 rooms in the game, just put / join and the room number you want to go, / join86)
/ room
There are several levels in Sherwood Dungeon
Level 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 ...
The gain experience you can get, but how to get experience? write this in the chat:
(There are infinite levels, but you can not access them unless you have the appropriate level, when you reach level 10, you can go directly to level 20, but not one more)
How to get money quickly?
You will have to go to a level (the level you are) and start opening the chests, cojes potions, money and amulets.
Why lucky charms?
Because the charms is the most expensive thing you can sell, you get a lot and selling and see how your money is growing.
The sellers are in the game room / teleport1, 2,3,4,5 ...
We advise you to sell everything (minus your weapons and what they need) in / teleport1, the seller stands entering the second door of the castle, up the ramp to the left or right (depending on the ramp that you upload), there is, a person dressed in purple and he will sell you products you buy.
I hope you like Sherwood Dungeon, so that you can play enter the following link:
Enjoy the game.
