
A couple of unknown past, unable to remember who or what it was, Prototype stars, the next bet of Radical Entertainment and Vivendi. The new virtual recreation of the city of New York begins to tremble for the devastating actions of Alex Mercer.
Subjects such as genetic mutations and scientific research are well represented in the world of electronic entertainment is not the last few years. While Resident Evil sagas as drink of the genetic code and the ambition of foreign scientists to provide titles and win the fans, some companies opt for giving a twist to the theme with new ideas.

Over the last Games Convention, we witnessed the first demonstration 'in game' a completely unknown title called Prototype. At first, all we go through this 'showroom' Vivendi expected to see a game of effort within the already strong portfolio of titles nourished this genre in the new generation. However, the reaction was substantially different, as only fifteen minutes were required for Radical Entertainment, the developer of the project, put the cards on the table.

Since that first meeting in Leipzig (Germany) have spent over five months and Prototype has continued its development under the watchful eye of the public. In dribs and drabs and carefully, is how the information was leaked about this game. Read on to see who is the protagonist of this title as destructive for PC, Xbox 360 and Playstation 3.

Without identity
Who is Alex Mercer? Nobody knows. Nor himself. At this point we only know that this is the name of the protagonist of Prototype, a modern-looking young man, dressed in sport clothes and more of a personal mystery. Far from this figure typical and current, lies a ruthless heartless murderer, whose actions we do not know if even involuntary, eventually putting in check the security of the American city of New York.

The under-or unfortunately-Mercer is being subjected to genetic experiments, over which he has no knowledge. Thus, without prior context, the player will be the skin of a man with superhuman abilities, able to mutate into a violent creature and transform parts of his body in devastating weapons. Run fast, jump over cars or skyscrapers will sail some of the skills "more human" protagonist of Prototype.

This game will be released in 2009 at the beginning or end of June, July, August or September.