The delightful innocence of Ghostbusters video game has finally live up to what you got two movies at the time. Accompany Veckman, Stantz, and Egon Zeddmore in the most spectacular of his adventures, you're going to star.
Released in 1984, Ghostbusters exalted the director Ivan Reitman and made even stronger races of eternal pasota Bill Murray, and also enshrined as comedians Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis. The movie was a blockbuster of epic proportions, and exalted genre on the rise in the '80s, the tape of adventure and humor.
After nearly 20 years of absence from the cinema was shocking that a study be encouraged to develop a game on a myth of the '80s. Activision seems that neither relied too much on their marketability, which is that after its merger with Vivendi-initial distributor of video game-to late last year, got rid of it along with a good package release following its merger with Blizzard.
Atari will now take me to the shops, though the PlayStation 3 version of which comes first to the amateur hands of Sony. This hodgepodge of companies, distributors and release dates should not distract us from what is reality Ghostbusters video game: A very interesting title, and one of the few translations of film to video game that runs at all levels.
Prepare to return to see old acquaintances. The Ghostbusters are back and are tasked to save New York.
Are Here to Save the World
Ghostbusters is set in 1991, two years after the events of Ghostbusters 2, so that acts almost like a third of the pair of films. The team ghost hunters hire a fifth member, we who will act as a weapons technician to test the changes in the new equipment Egon hunting.
Our players must return to work since a new wave of ghosts invading New York. The spectral energy emanates from a New York-based museum, and only we can stop cleaning up appearances, bookstores, the legendary Times Square, cemeteries, apartment buildings ... and even some unexpected places. The locations we visit are varied enough to not need a cast on free approach, and Ghostbusters is that everything we do is strictly ordered by a rigid script and downright interesting.
Maybe we sorely missed more weight to our character in the history of the game, but that does not even get the name makes it clear that their participation level of argument is merely testimonial. The ownership rests with the legendary Four Horsemen of the series, and it is they who bear the brunt of the game, with jokes, comments and jokes that seem directly drawn from the two films thanks to script by Aykroyd and Ramis themselves.
We will have all the absurdities Ghostbusters gadgets to give to the spirits and destroy them.
Abundant return to game characters well known to the amateur, but not comment too much on this field to not spoil the experience to anyone. If they do highlight an appearance the giant snowman Marshmallows the first part and the receptionist at our headquarters or irritating Walter Peck. In addition there are some new additions as the sexy Dr. Selwyn-folded Ilyssa Alyssa Milano, which functions as a secondary and awkward romantic subplot. Who, however, could not miss was the devastating proton beamThe main tool of the Ghostbusters.
Supernatural Spectacular
The constant, and more fun activity that we perform in Ghostbusters is to drag the spectra with our laser, and capture them. For this we have the usual proton beam, but also some new-style weapons.
As we have stated we act as a "guinea pig" for the experiments of Egon, and enjoy four weapons choose from among those using the crosshead of the pad. The first is the classic, a proton beam that counts as secondary fire, with a ball of energy. The rest are original reinvention of some aspects with those who had flirted and movies, as the functions of dark matter, The particles of electricity or accessories mucus loaded with positive energy.
The camera is situated at a height comfortable for the pointed, and his movement has obvious echoes with Gears of War. Especially when sprinting.
So we will use various weapons to reduce up to remove the health bars of ghosts. Once this is done, and being semi unconscious enemies, we'll endeavor to keep the trap the opponent in the suction part of it. In short, just like in the movies.
This sounds simple in reality is not easy, and its complexity is precisely the charm of Ghostbusters. To establish a parallel banal is like going fishing. Not we who control the situation, since the ghosts are elusive and unpredictable, and hence is derived the sense of the variety that has the action for 8 hours of campaigning, and that otherwise maybe I could eventually succumb to the monotony.
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